Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Epic Foreheads: Michael Sheen Doesn't Hide His In The ...

michael-sheen-balding-thenMichael Sheen is one of those guys who you’ve possibly never heard of, but who you should be excited about every time you see him. If you’re one of those unfortunate souls who currently has no idea who I’m talking about even after looking at my photos of him, then let me explain him to you in a few words: He’s in no way related to Charlie Sheen, but if you had never seen Charlie and had only known of Martin Sheen your whole life, and you put Michael Sheen and Charlie Sheen in an acting/lifestyle line-up, you’d most likely pick Michael and say something to the effect of, “It’s clearly the guy with outstanding acting chops, the Academy Award nomination, the Golden Globe win, the old relationship to Kate Beckinsale, and the consistent work as a respected actor…is the other guy some sort of performance artist doing a bit about drug abuse? Why is he licking the wall?”. Basically folks, Michael Sheen is awesome and super talented, and I like him even more because of his insane hairline.

michael-sheen-balding-then-1Take a good look at it ladies and gentlemen, that is one epic forehead on the “Masters Of Sex” star; it’s at least a six or a seven-head, and it seems to only partially be the result of him going bald! I’ve had trouble finding any pictures of Sheen where he isn’t showing a ton of upper face skin, which leads me to believe that he’s always had an amazingly big above-the-brow spot. Sure, his hairline is a little further back at the corners than it was ten years ago, but it’s almost unnoticeable. Why am I fascinated by this? I’m not even sure folks, but the “Frost/Nixon” actor has managed to carve out a great career, get himself some wonderful women (Beckinsale is amazing and I’m sure his wife is lovely), and not get relegated to playing “weaselly big-forehead guy” in British comedies; screw Charlie Sheen, this guy is really winning! (*Drinks “Tiger’s Blood” energy drink, crushes can on forehead, high fives frat bro*). As he gets up there in age, we should expect him to show even more scalp and eventually go full bald in the middle. However, guys who have hairlines like him often have them forever, and never really go bald-bald. It’s for this reason that I’m not yet welcoming him into The Bald Army, but heavy is the head that wears the crown…which in this case is a giant forehead, and the man has my respect for doing it like a boss.




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