Sunday, January 12, 2014

Kate Gosselin Pimps Out Her Kids To Maintain Expensive Lifestyle ...

Kate Gosselin Pimps Out Her Kids To Maintain Expensive Lifestyle Claims Jon Gosselin

Will Jon and Kate Gosselin ever bury the hatchet? I have to think it’s never going to happen, especially since they truly seem to despise what the other one represents. This time around it is Jon taking shots at his ex and given some of her recent antics I can’t blame him. He has consistently bashed Kate’s need for fame and insists that it negatively affects their children.

According to the Jan. 20th print edition of In Touch magazine Jon has a real problem with Kate using their oldest kids to help sell products. Twins, Cara and Maddie are on the cover of Kate’s recent cookbook and they did a recent cover article for People discussing what it’s like to have Kate for a mom. Jon is furious when his kids are used to collect a check and he says that his ex just can’t cope with the fact that her lifestyle isn’t as big as it once was and that she needs to scale back. Instead she pimps out the kids, looking more desperate all the while.

Jon insists that the kids really don’t want to be bothered and that they just want a normal life. Kate claims that they like the attention. What do you think is the real deal? Do the kids want to be as famous as their mother once was or do they just want to be like everyone else. Jon says they are embarrassed by Kate’s desperate grabs for attention. Do you think it’s true? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Kate Gosselin Pimps Out Her Kids To Maintain Expensive Lifestyle Claims Jon Gosselin


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