Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lucille Ball's Secret Love Child Discovered: Madeline Jane Dee Put ...

Lucille Ball's Secret Love Child Discovered: Madeline Jane Dee Put Up For Adoption In Favor of Lucy's Career

Things in Hollywood are rarely ever the way that they seem and sometimes the truth really does lie in some of the more outlandish rumors. Even after celebs die the controversies that surrounded them in life still continue on. GLOBE Magazine has the market pretty much cornered when it comes to covering the big classic Hollywood stars and in their Jan. 20th print edition there is a bombshell exclusive about Lucille Ball.

According to a woman named Cassandria Carlson, her mother was actually Lucy’s secret love child. Madeline Jane Dee was born in May of 1947 and quickly placed in the care of a nurse named Ruth Smith. This woman and her husband raised Dee and Cassandria approached Smith for more info after her mother was killed in an accident in 2003. That’s when Smith confessed that Lucy was in fact Dee’s birth mother. This nugget of information made sense to Cassandria because growing up there was a brash redhead named Mrs. Morton that was always around or meeting her family in different places. Lucy married Gary Morton in 1961… .

Cassandria also maintains that while her father earned a decent living and her mom never worked, the family was always showered with gifts from Mrs. Morton. The solid proof that Cassandria has uncovered is a legal document signed by Lucy giving custody of her daughter to Smith for an undisclosed period of time. So why would Lucy, who supposedly battled infertility for years, give up a child? Perhaps because in June of 1947 she was set to begin a 6 month tour with the play Dream Girl. According to Cassandria Lucy chose her blooming career over motherhood at that point. Do you believe her story? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!


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