Hollywood may be home to the stars but not every celebrity wants to be a part of it. These 5 celebs have all claimed that they aren’t interested in bowing down to Hollywood’s beauty ideals, don’t want to live the star lifestyle and feel that those who often gain stardom don’t always deserve to be celebrated as they haven’t done anything to prove themselves. Dangerously bashing the culture which also names them as important, these 5 celebrities have all spoken openly on what they don’t like about Hollywood without caring about what impact that might have on them.
Jon Hamm
Jon believes that Hollywood worships idiots instead of talented people: ‘We’re at a place where the idea of being elite is somehow considered a negative. Whether it’s Paris Hilton or kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated. Being a f***ing idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture, because you’re rewarded significantly. And incuriousness has become cool. It’s celebrated. It doesn’t make sense to me.”
Lady Gaga
Gaga says she tried out a Hollywood lifestyle but it repulsed her and she quickly fled back to NYC: “I had all these number one records, and I had sold all these albums, and it was sort of this turning point: Am I going to try and embrace Hollywood and assimilate to that culture? I put my toe in that water, and it was a Kegel-exercise (pelvic floor muscle exercises) vaginal reaction where I clenched and had to retract immediately. I ran furiously back to New York, to my old apartment, and I hung out with my friends, and I went to the same bars.”
Lauren Bacall
Legendary actresss Lauren Bacall believes Hollywood is too much like a zoo: “I love my profession. I have tremendous respect for it. What I don’t have respect for is the red carpet and the celebrity scene. It’s become a zoo. It’s so stupid. They ask you stupid questions: ‘What are you wearing?’ Oh, Christ almighty!”
Laurence Fishburne
Laurence is weirded out by celebrity culture in general: “I live mostly on the West Coast, where people treat me like I just stepped off the movie screen in The Matrix. People think of me as a celebrity. What’s bad about that is, if you’re a celebrity, everybody wants to celebrate you. Celebrities are more interested in talking about who they are. I don’t think I’m that interesting, but I love what I do. You have to make a choice to be levelheaded. When you’re in my position, it’s easy to make a wrong turn and wind up on (website) TMZ.com.”
Sigourney Weaver
Sigourney doesn’t like the Hollywood ideal of beauty: “I’ve always felt more role models comfortable in New York – everyone’s racing around thinking they are doing the most important thing in the world. Women are more comfortable with who they are. In Los Angeles, beauty is very tanned, blonde, white and thin and everyone is under pressure.”
