Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Body of Proof Season 3 Episode 11 “Dark City” RECAP 5/7/13 | Allie ...

Body of Proof Season 3 Episode 11 “Dark City” RECAP 5/7/13

LORRAINE TOUSSAINT, DANA DELANY, MARK VALLEY, MARISA RAMIREZBody of Proof returns to ABC with a new episode. On last week’s show a schizophrenic teenage girl at a mental institution was found murdered. When Megan and Tommy interviewed a young patient named Darby, who seemed extremely sane and lucid, she told them that she saw the killer climb down from a heating vent in the ceiling, but most shocking of all — he meant to kill her, not the actual victim.

Could the killer be Dr. Malcolm (Craig Bierko), the ward director, who was obstructing their investigation? Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and we recapped it here for you!

On tonight’s show when a plane crashes in Philadelphia due to a gunman opening fire while aloft, the entire team of Megan, Kate, Tommy, Adam, Curtis, Ethan, Riley and Stafford must go into disaster mode. Since the crash hits the city’s main power grid, Megan must conduct autopsies on the victims during frequent blackouts, but then one of the bodies goes missing. Meanwhile, Tommy and Adam are in a serious car accident while trying to investigate.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Body of Proof at 10:00 PM EST!


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