Friday, January 17, 2014

Jon Gosselin Will (Justifiably) Revel In Kate's Today Show Disaster ...

Now That's Schadenfreude

“Shh, shh, I’m still savoring the humiliation. *closes eyes* Mmm. Mmmm! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!”

Kate Gosselin thought she’d just pop up on TODAY yesterday and make Jon look like an idiot by proving their kids aren’t damaged from being on reality television by making them throw their own father under the bus to a nationwide daytime audience. Instead, her daughters clammed up embarrassing the shit out of Kate. So here’s Jon Gosselin going for the fatality by calling into TMZ and understandably asking “What the fuck?” Via Us Weekly:

“I felt upset. I was laying there with Liz [Jannetta] and we were like, ‘Say something girls. Come on! Just say something. Anything.’ And they didn’t say anything and we were like, ‘Ugh, this is horrible,’” the 36-year-old said of watching the segment with his girlfriend. “Then I felt really bad. I mean, I didn’t care too much for Kate or whatever, but I felt really bad for Mady and Cara because I love them and they’re just put in this situation. It was like deer in the headlights.”

“It just kind of proves my point of Kate bringing the kids out instead of her just sort of doing it herself,” he explained. “It all blew up in everyone’s face and I feel horrible for my children because now they’re going to have to deal with the public.”

Why did his daughters shut down? “By body language they were probably like, ‘What’s the moral thing to do and what does my mom want me to do?’ They were torn and they just shutdown,” he reasoned. “It was just a classic case of being silent. You get to a point where you are like, ‘I don’t know who to please. Do I please myself or do I please my parents — or my mother?’”

So does that mean he thinks his ex “manipulated” the two? “In my heart that’s what I believe, that’s how I feel. Can I prove it? I can’t prove it, but you can’t take my feelings away from me. I feel that way,” he said.

Keep in mind, the first thing Jon Gosselin did with his fame once Kate OCD’d him out of the family was to plow through as many questionable manatees as possible while dressed head to toe in Ed Hardy. And yet, at the end of the day, he’s still not the one who dragged his kids on live TV and went, “Tell the nice people your mother’s a cunt.” Then again, when you put it like that, you start thinking if the kids would’ve been better off if they were cut in half during the custody agreement and Jon and Kate had to flip over who gets tops and who gets bottoms. They’re Christians, right? They might be into it.

Photos: Splash News


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